Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Little Rant

I'm feeling angry at Chick-fil-A Arden Fair's corporate parent for its practice of donating to anti-gay-marriage groups. Reading up on the issue, and deciding with sorrow to cease visiting the restaurant, I stumbled across an organization called National Organization for Marriage, who commends the Chick-fil-A CEO for this practice, and that they meanwhile are proudly patting themselves on the back for themselves living the "biblical" version of marriage. As a Christian who is familiar with the Bible, I feel it's pretty safe to ask of this organization, "Which Biblical version of marriage? Do you [all men, apparently] have concubines? Have some of you married women after raping them?" Let's be clear: there are an awful lot of versions of marriage presented in the Bible, itself entirely written before anyone knew what we know about homosexuality scientifically But meanwhile, if you feel that the Bible does prohibit homosexuality, you want to write that into US legislation, but not other Biblical values, such as forbidding divorce or feeding the poor? Do you plan to shoot for preventing interracial couples or couples of different religions from marrying? Because various dictates about those issues arise in the Old and New Testaments. Finally, I think it's just *awesome* that National Organization for Marriage wants corporations to be neutral on the topic--unless they are against gay marriage, in which case they should state that. Only those for equal civil rights should keep their corporate press releases silent. Anyway, pardon my rant. I just struggle with feeling like there are corporations and other various groups out there, fighting under the name of Christianity, but often for what seem like un-Christlike goals and against largely marginalized and/or vulnerable people. I don't like feeling like a lot of people in this country think Christians hate gays, maybe even women, when Christians aren't supposed to hate anybody.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Last night, I attended the Sacramento Valley Summer Writers' Soiree, organized by Kate Asche. It was nice to rub elbows with so many people who are well connected in the local writing community. It both inspired me and frustrated me. I have this inner writer, who is a deep part of who I am, and I don't give her any time, feeling I have none to give. This is such a hard life stage, and despite hearing constant advice to enjoy it and carve out time for me, I find that when I actually have five spare minutes, I don't want to do ANYTHING. But I am going to try to ignore my own skepticism and try to reclaim some of that identity that I sometimes feel like I lost more than six years ago, when it was still in development anyway.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


As if to remind me one reason why I set out to start this blog in the first place, my toddler son, Asher, woke up the very instant that I clicked on "create new blog." Now he's eating strawberries and shouting at his sister.

I love reading my friends' blogs. However, I often find I can't sit down and read quietly at my computer. I'm a freelancing mother of three, and I don't get uninterrupted time. What I do have is a desire to connect and tons of snarky comments to share. I'm hoping that you can find the time to read mine from time to time.